Passing of Conrad Swartz, Past Grand Monarch
To all members of the Supreme Council
And to all Grottoes throughout the realm
In sorrow and sadness I announce to you the death of Past Grand Monarch
Conrad Swartz, P.G.M.
He was born December 12, 1941. He passed away November 24, 2024.
"Death is the golden key that opens The Palace of Eternity." - Milton
In loving memory of our departed Prophet and as a token of respect, it is ordered that this communication be read in every Grotto in the Realm at the first Stated Session after its receipt, and that due record thereof be made and the Grotto be draped with the badge of mourning for a period of thirty days.
Given under my hand and seal in the city of Gahanna, Ohio, the 26th day of November, 2024 A.D.
David Korb, Grand Monarch
William Moerch, Executive Secretary